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Our CSR commitments

The Human being, or nothing!

« Mais, vous savez, moi je ne crois pas qu’il y ait de bonne ou de mauvaise situation. Moi, si je devais résumer ma vie aujourd’hui avec vous, je dirais que c’est d’abord des rencontres… »


Yes, the Storkcom adventure is all about meeting people!

And while there’s a lot of joking in the team, there’s one subject on which we’re not joking… and that’s the well-being of our employees.

Storkcom does its best to offer its employees a pleasant, caring and fulfilling working environment, so that everyone can find the right balance between their professional and personal lives, and can learn and progress while cultivating a passion for our job.

Storkcom is a learning company that cares about its employees…

Quality of life at work and Events

  • Workspace enhancements for employee comfort
  • Team-building: organization of social events and collaborative activities
  • Promotion of soft mobility: providing electric bicycles and offering bicycle mileage allowances
  • Annual participation in the Mobility Challenge, twice winners in our category in 2018 and 2021

Our Planet is so Great!

« Just Look Up! »


Storkcom takes care of the environment…

in its offices… and in general…

From the very beginning, Storkcom has been based in an area that is a pioneer in environmental protection and soft mobility. As a result, environmental issues are one of the company’s founding values.

By joining the Green Business Company in 2017, Storkcom has taken on a new dimension by placing its skills and expertise at the service of these issues, supporting its customers in their CSR approach and helping them to reduce their environmental impact.


  • Facilities installed in a renewable energy building
  • Installation of connected sorting bins for waste recycling and voluntary drop-off approach
  • Raising awareness of waste reduction and fighting against wasting
  • Installation of a filtered water fountain and a seed coffee maker to reduce plastic use

Of course the Digital, but also Responsible!

« With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility »

Numérique Responsable

Storkcom is committed to a “Green IT” approach.

As a major player in the digital sector, Storkcom’s mission is to use new technologies to meet the challenges of today’s and tomorrow’s world.

Storkcom supports its customers in their own CSR initiatives, with solutions enabling them to manage and reduce their environmental impact, fight against waste and accelerate the transition to an eco-responsible industry.

This mission necessarily involves simultaneously taking into account the impact of these technologies on the environment. Storkcom is therefore also committed to responsible digital technology and is raising awareness of this issue among its employees and partners.

Awareness and Commitment

  • Membership of the Responsible Digital Institute and promotion of digital best practices
  • Responsible Digital Certification: 100% of employees educated and 60% employees certified
  • Membership of the RUPTUR association and promotion of the foundations of the Blue Economy

Ethics, is Chic!

« No matter what anyone tells you, words and ideas have the power to change the world. »



One of our partners once said: “At Storkcom, they say what they do… and they do what they say!”

This statement sums up two of our core values: Transparency and Trust.

We have always been committed to building and maintaining a relationship of trust with all the players in our ecosystem, including our customers, our partners, our suppliers and even our competitors. Lasting relationships, to collectively build a more responsible world.

At Storkcom, we do business by fair, moral and healthy rules…


  • Values of fairness, equality and parity promoted within the company
  • Transparency and ethics with customers and partners
  • Purchasing policy favoring Made in France and local logistics

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